
"Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future" - Sally Mann

Carmarthen Photographic Society (CarmarthenPS or CPS hereafter) exists solely for the benefit of its members.  Individual members have a wide range of photographic interests ranging from landscape through wildlife, macro, sport, street photography, documentary  to reportage and photographic history. We hold regular presentations from both guest speakers and club members and are affiliated to the PAGB via the WPF.

Carmarthen Photographic Society meets at Carmarthen Cameras (Zion Chapel, Mansel Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1QX) on Wednesdays from 7:30 until 9:30-10:00 p.m. Club Officers are required to stand for election / re-election at the Annual General Meeting of the society which is held in April / May each year  (next AGM will be held in 2025). 

Current Officers for the  2023 / 2024 season are:-


1. Title

 The society shall be called the CARMARTHEN PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY

2. Aims

3. Membership

4. Subscriptions

5. Officers

6. Term of Office

All officer, committee members, president and vice-presidents shall retire annually at the annual general meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.

7. Life Vice Presidents

The society may elect at its annual general meeting, Honorary life vice presidents in recognition of services rendered to the society. These shall be limited to three at any one time.

8. Honorary Members

The society may elect at its annual general meeting honorary members, where members who have given the society valuable service and who are no longer in a position to attend meetings on a regular basis due to personal circumstances. These shall be limited to one member at any one time.

9. Annual general meeting

The affairs of the society shall be governed by an ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of members to be held in MAY of each year. A quorum shall consist of at least 25% of the paid up members and honorary members. The business of the annual general meeting shall be ...

10. Committee

A committee comprising of the officers, the immediate past chairman and two members will conduct the general affairs of the society and shall meet as necessary. A quorum shall consist of FOUR members being present.

11. Special general meetings

Special general meetings may be called at any time by the committee, officers, or at the request of any FIVE members. The honorary secretary will notify each member at least TEN DAYS before the due date of the special meeting. The notice of the meeting will include details of the business to be discussed. A quorum shall be as noted in paragraph 9, above.

12. Passing of propositions

All members of the society are entitled to vote at general meetings and proposals shall be decided by a simple majority with the exception of an amendment to the rules & constitution which shall be carried out in accordance with rule number 16 (sixteen) below.

13. Bank account

A bank account shall be opened in the name of the society. Withdrawals from and payments out of such an account shall be made upon any two signatures from the chairman, honorary treasurer and honorary secretary. All access to the bank accounts will be on a manual basis, that is no internet / electronic procedures should be used and no banking cards to be obtained from the bank. Such petty cash accounts may be kept as may be directed by the officers of the society.

14. Resignation

A member shall have been considered to have resigned from the society on the receipt of notice in writing from the said member or if the annual subscriptions have fallen into six weeks arrears.

15. Unspecified

In the event of an unspecified items arising they will be disposed of in accordance with the majority decision of the committee.

16. Amendment of rules

These rules may be amended only at the annual general meeting or at a special general meeting of members called for that purpose. Any amendment shall require a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present at such a meeting. See paragraph 11(eleven) regarding notice of meetings.

17. President

The President shall take the chair at the annual general meeting and carry out other duties as required.

18. Chairman 

The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the society and will act in the absence of the president.

19. Vice-Chairman

The vice-chairman shall preside at meetings in the absence of the chairman.

20. Honorary secretary

The secretary will record minutes of all the Society’s meetings which shall be read and confirmed at the next meeting. Will liaise with the WPF.

21. Honorary Treasurer.

The treasurer will keep the accounts of the society, pay the relevant bills, arrange for the accounts to be audited annually and will present the financial report to the annual general meeting. The treasurer will ensure that subscriptions are collected within six weeks of the due date. The treasurer will provide an up to date list of members to any member requesting such details.

22. Honorary auditor

The auditor will audit the accounts as presented by the treasurer. The auditor will present a report, if necessary, to the committee.

23a. Competition secretary

Will conduct monthly competitions, maintain a cumulative record of points separately for each member in print competitions and in PDI competitions and will announce the winner of each competition. The competition secretary will arrange for the collection and judging of all entries for the annual awards, inter club battles and any other competitions or exhibitions.

23b. Assistant Competition secretary

Will assist the competition secretary as needed.

24. Programme Secretary

Will be responsible for organising the club programme including arranging lecturers, judges and club visits. Will arrange for the printing and distribution of the annual programme.

25. Publicity Officer

Will promote the club on social media, the website, blog and liaise with the press.

26. Monthly competitions and annual awards

The rules for entry for monthly competitions and for the annual awards are given as appendix 1 (one) to the constitution and may only be amended in accordance with rules 11 (eleven) and 16 (sixteen), above.

27. Dissolution of the society

Assets shall be disposed of as decided by the final meeting of the society. All proceeds and monetary reserves will be donated to local charities as designated by the members at that meeting.